Dayton Library - CODAworx

Dayton Library

Submitted by Virginia Kistler

Client: Dayton Metropolitan Library

Location: Dayton, OH, United States

Completion date: 2016

Artwork budget: $19,800

Project Team


Virginia Kistler

Art Consultant

Susan Anable

The Dayton Art Institute

Industry Resource

Ruetschle Architects


The commission called for a piece of artwork to be suspended within a 16'x16' square light fixture inside the interior of the Dayton Metropolitan Library's Northwest Branch. The commission required the artist to use two pieces of artwork from The Dayton Art Institute's permanent collection, a Relief Fragment from Persepolis and a Kuosi Society Costume, as the inspiration for the work. Employing the use of radial symmetry and patterns from both cultures, my work is a contemporary take on the traditional craft of textiles.


The library was designed by an architectural team, Ruetschle Architects in Dayton, Ohio. It was important that my sculpture be inspired by the artwork chosen by the Dayton Art Institute, as well as integrate nicely into the existing space.


After my proposal was selected, I worked with Ruetschle Architects to insure that my piece of sculpture compliment the existing space determined by the architectural team. We collaborated on the final color choice and structural support. Additionally, I collaborated with Susan Anable from the Dayton Art Institute for the installation and final description for the accompanying signage.