Woozy Blossom - CODAworx

Woozy Blossom

Client: 21c Museum Hotel

Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Completion date: 2016

Project Team


Matthew Geller


Clint Allen

New Aspect Design

Industry Resource

Andrew Vrana



This Corten steel tree is planted alongside other bald cypress trees which line the sidewalk outside the 21c Museum Hotel in Oklahoma City. Artist Matthew Geller designed this sculpture to produce a continuous fog that engulfs visitors with its cool mist. During the day the mist is ever changing, dependent on temperature and wind conditions. New Aspect Design was engaged to create a nighttime LED installation that also changed and transformed along with the mist.


New Aspect Design installed permanent in-ground LED lights that run on a program of cycling colors, from white to pink to blue. Because of the ever-changing quality of the mist that emanates from the perforated steel tree, the light show becomes even more animated traveling with the mist in the wind. The work creates an eerie and unexpected installation that disrupts its surroundings and references the history of this former industrial site.