Woody Guthies California Stars - CODAworx

Woody Guthies California Stars

Submitted by Jeff Petersen

Client: Faultline Recording Studios

Location: San Francisco, CA, United States

Completion date: 2009

Artwork budget: $5,000

Project Team



Faultline Recording Studios


Jeff Petersen

Jeff Petersen Art


I created a mural for recording studio, next to a park on a weathered building. The mural opportunity came from an open call on San Francisco’s Craigslist. The image chosen was one out of three submitted. The final art was created in acrylic and latex paint.19.4’ x 30’


I had free range to come up with whatever I wanted for this project. I chose the Woody Guthrie song to play off visually because it was looping in my head and fed a more positive narrative for the that area. The environmental challenge was to break up the bland, static walls of the building and somehow incorporate the peoples park next door. I chose to paint a dreaming W. Guthrie, the greenery of the park next door became his body as if he was sleeping out under the stars.


The collaboration was easy because I was not forced to change or modify anything so it was up to me to be hyper critical of what would work on a large scale.