Wall Play - CODAworx

Wall Play

Submitted by Helle Scharling-Todd

Client: City of Ventura

Location: Ventura, United States

Completion date: 2013

Artwork budget: $6,000

Project Team


Helle Scharling-Todd

Ventura art's Council

Public Art Agent

The Arts Council of Ventura


The piece is called “Wall Play” indicating a certain lightness in the design and the “ball”, right at the corner “the sun” plays into the title. The work is split up into 5 larger pieces and five small pieces. My first intention with this design is to integrate the work into the background. So often a mosaic is a solid piece, a square or rectangle, but here the pieces like sculptures activate the eyes and the surface in a new way. About 30sq'.


The integration of the work into the background was one of the most important goals. In many of my works I try to "decompose" the design, and I achieve a new look, as if it is a series of sculptures, where the lines follow in an interesting pattern. I integrated also the form of the building into one of the pieces. This work is a series ideas, from a narrative of the past to the present, to human habitat and the idea of the universe.


I collaborated with the Arts Council of Ventura, the Westside Community, the users of the Adult Center and the County of Ventura, that gave me a grant together with the Arts Council of Ventura and the people that contributed through Kickstarter.com.

Additional Information

This is a work that started as a wish from me to do something for this building, and then I tried to find interest and backers to materialize this project, I am grateful to those that contributed.