A Light Spanned - CODAworx

A Light Spanned

Submitted by Suzanne Tick

Client: Temple Emanu-el

Location: Dallas, TX, United States

Completion date: 2016

Artwork budget: $32,750

Project Team


Suzanne Tick


Gary Cunningham

Cunningham Architects


Ark cover designed for the newly built Stern Chaple, which is a part of the synagogue Temple Emanu-el in Dallas, TX. Overall Dimensions: 70.5″ length x 57.5″ width Material: Found Mylar balloons


Suzanne worked closely with the synogue and the architect firm, Cunningham Architects, to create a commisioned ark cover for the newly created Stern Chaple. The Temple Emanu-el's main sanctuary features an ark cover by Anni Albers and the goal was to create something similarly elegant. Suzanne wanted to create a cover that followed her fine art practice of utilizing found materials. The goal was to create an ark cover that was both beautiful and meaningful to the community. She used found Mylar balloons, collected from her community, to weave a beautiful and meaningful ark cover for the Temple Emanu-el.


Every human celebration that exists was woven into this, from births to bar mitzvahs to graduations to Father’s Day. The end result is a collaborative art piece that represents hundreds of life's celebrations installed in a newly constructed Stern Chapel

Additional Information

Wallpaper* magazine chronicled the design process of this project https://www.wallpaper.com/art/perfect-foil-artist-suzanne-tick-tightly-woven-wonder