Submerged - CODAworx


Submitted by Home Eleven

Client: Bakehouse Art Complex

Location: Miami, Florida, United States

Completion date: 2016

Artwork budget: $2,000

Project Team


Nelly Bonilla

Home Eleven


Oscar Luna

Home Eleven


Submerged was produced to bring awareness to the rising sea levels in Miami, FL. The space was composed of a narrow hallway; demonstrating the rising seas in South Florida in fifty years, which lead to an open room, total submersion. The total space of 350 sq ft was interactive.


“Submerged” exhibited at the Bakehouse Art Complex was an interactive installation devoted to bringing awareness to rising sea levels in South Florida. We accomplished this by allowing the viewer to walk through a narrow hallway made of styrofoam that begins at floor level and ends at 5 ft where most scientist estimate the sea level in South Florida within 50 years. As the viewer walks through a pit of shredded blue paper they finally enter a large 20’ x 14’ room with cascading rows of blue vellum paper suspended from the ceiling, giving the impression of full body submergence.


We were approached by the Bakehouse Art Complex to create an installation in their gallery space which brought awareness to the oceans. It was to be part of Atlantis Family Day which brings families to the space to explore art and nature. We were given a small budget and liberty to create a fun atmosphere for kids and parents.