Sea Life Building Mural - CODAworx

Sea Life Building Mural

Submitted by Judy Dempsey

Client: Scuba Outlet

Location: Key Largo, FL, United States

Project Team


Judy Dempsey

Art Explosion Of South Florida


Pat & Jim Wihelm

Scuba Outlet


Sea Life mural .This Project is located I n Key Largo Florida. The owner wanted the mural to represent the sea life you find down in the Florida Keys. The building is approximately 1000ft long and about 3 scores high. I hired regular painters to do back ground to save time. Also rented a gene and scaffolding about 3 story’s high. I did the whole job myself in one month. So I stay down in the keys until the job was completed .


It was very important to use the local sea life. The last muralist painted whales on the building, which didn't make much sense. Because you don't find whales in Florida. The mural was a great way to promote there business.


I hired wall painters and had them do two colors on the building. When they were done, I went around and blend the colors together. It was really fun for me. There was a Geni I used to go up and down the building. It made it a lot easier. I always wanted to paint a mural in the Keys.

Additional Information

Since then, I go back occasionally go back down and add to the mural. Once a year I put a protective coat on. It helps preserve and protect mural.