River Sunrise - CODAworx

River Sunrise

Submitted by Edward Walsh

Client: Childrens' Garden bas-relief

Location: New City, NY, United States

Completion date: 1989

Artwork budget: $18,000

Project Team


Edward Walsh

Edward Walsh, Sculptor / Artist


Children's Library Garden


“River Sun Rise” stainless steel & bronze, left panel: 4' h x 4' w, right panel: 4' h x 6'4″ w, New City, NY, Children's Library Garden commission 1989.


A demonstration of a library using more than one reference in research.


The final project is in photo #1 and the model is in photo #2.

Additional Information

By using stainless steel as the base background has the effect of an ever changing reflected dance of light with both movement of the sun and the viewers as they move from left to right and back again.