Ring (do, undo, redo) - CODAworx

Ring (do, undo, redo)

Submitted by Ben Busche

Client: City of Leipzig

Location: Leipzig, Germany

Completion date: 2021

Artwork budget: $50,000

Project Team


Ben Busche

Brut Deluxe


Miguel de Guzman






Lichtfest Leipzig commemorates the demonstrations on 9 October 1989 in the East German city of Leipzig – a decisive catalyst for the start of the Peaceful Revolution that finally led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Ring (do/undo/redo) is a site-specific dynamic light installation created for Lichtfest Leipzig 21. The installation consists of a circular wall with two openings that give access to the interior space. Ring plays with space and atmospheric perceptions focusing on the immersive experience of the visitors. The archetypical and iconic spatial layout displays conceptual opponents like interior+ exterior, we +other, included +excluded. Installation design in coauthership by Ben Busche and Miguel de Guzmán.


Ring extends into the surrounding urban space and transforms it through the use of light.
The wall itself is a 2,80m tall transparent screen with dynamic lighting. On the inside, the wall is covered by 450 mirror-foiled balloons multiplying and reflecting both lights and visitors. The outside of the wall is covered with white latex balloons blurring the low-res video displayed on the 21x204 pixel LED screen.
The installation is built by a local fabricator; all materials applied are ready-mades and will be reused.


On initiative of the City of Leipzig, the installation was opened to a process of participation and collaboration with several local NGOs and activists focusing on youth, future and sustainability. The ideas elaborated during the process and two workshops held in June and August in Leipzig have influenced both the video content and the wall’s final definition. Three panels of a total of 12 have been ceded to be entirely constructed by these agents with recycled translucent or reflective materials.

Additional Information

involved in the project: Verein Restlos e.V. Aktionsbündnis “Leipzig fürs Klima“ Bunte Gärten Leipzig e.V. Freies Gymnasium Borsdorf Kunstofferei Leipzig LGH Leipziger Gewerbehof GmbH & Co. KG Stadtreinigung Leipzig