O.T. 968 - CODAworx

O.T. 968

Submitted by Stefan Reiss

Client: Museum Of Contemporary Art Shanghai

Location: London, United Kingdom

Completion date: 2018

Artwork budget: $30,000

Project Team


Stefan Reiss


Museum Of Contemporary Art Shanghai


„O.T. 950“ was realised for the exhibition „Harper’s Bazaar 150th anniversary“ at Museum Of Contemporary Art Shanghai, China. The exhibition was an overview over fashion and accessories of the last decades connected to the Chinese fashion history.

Harper’s Bazaar invited several visual artists to develop art works, which should show autarkic, artistic positions in between the exhibition. In my art work „O.T. 950“ I’ve implemented new geometrical forms in an elliptical space from straight lines to triangles and polygons. These forms were also projected onto the wooden elements with a stunning animation containing 26 vivid colours.