Into the Autumn Woods - CODAworx

Into the Autumn Woods

Submitted by Showcase Mosaics

Client: Artprize

Location: Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Completion date: 2014

Artwork budget: $30,000

Project Team


Sandra Bryant

Showcase Mosaics


Carl Bryant

Showcase Mosaics


Glass mosaic 7.5ft x 18ft created for Artprize 2014 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is an international art exhibition and competition. This mosaic won 2nd place in the 2-Dimensional public vote category.


This mosaic was created in panels and transported to a large convention hall and hung. As it is a temporary exhibition, it had to be constructed with mobility in mind.


This was an individual project, with coordination between the venue and facilities professionals. The objective was to introduce the public to mosaic as an art form.