Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare - CODAworx

Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare

Client: Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare

Location: St. Paul, MN, United States

Completion date: 2011

Project Team


Austine Wood Comarow

Austine Studios

Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare

Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare

Design/Consulting Team

Aesthetics, Inc


The Gillette Children’s hospital outfitted the lobby and 10 examination/hospital bed rooms with ceiling mounted Polage artworks that gently change automatically from a brightly colorful view to a lighter image with silhouettes. It’s a peaceful and attention-absorbing image right above where children lay for examinations or when hospitalized. The 10 Polage art hospital room installations are double paned liquid crystal light boxes with each diptych light box containing two 13” Polage artwork set inside. The artworks were each installed inside the existing fluorescent light fixtures over patient tables. The calming imagery depicts animals in nature swimming and lounging by the water.


This kinetic Polage art imagery slowly changes as you watch it. The unique way Polage art can be viewed is special in this project because it allows for the children at this hospital to be entertained and distracted by stunning imagery during what is likely a difficult time for them.


The second image you see here is the Polage artwork that can be found in the ceilings of the hospital rooms at Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. This photo shows the Polage at its most colorful state, while the third photo you can see here shows the same Polage artwork but in its other state since it's transformed and at the images changed.