Cascade Light Art Chandelier - CODAworx

Cascade Light Art Chandelier

Client: Ovation 309 Luxury Condos

Location: Madison, WI, United States

Completion date: 2015

Artwork budget: $35,000

Project Team


Julie Conway

Illuminata Glass



HOVDE Properties


Filling the cavernous lobby of Ovation 309 is 26′ tall x 50′ wide with white walls, and neutral slate floor and glass windows with something unique and impressive was the goal. The original blown glass chandelier is actually 14′ tall, with 23- piece cluster of glass globes that are 21-27″ long! 3 scissor-lifts and 2 days of installation with a skilled crew of electricians brought it all to life. Seen from the street at night, it has become a beacon in downtown Madison.


It was also imperative to collaborate my work with the selected mural artist's panels that incorporated local water elements so prominent in Madison, WI. My concept was to make the ombre of 3 shades of blue and green to integrate the 3-Form Bamboo panels near the stairs, the green carpet selected by the design team, and the large mural with a connecting color palette that also allowed the space to feel luxurious and spacious, with elements of the water reference. Silver leaf overlay is an added element to enhance the sparkle of the lights and create an element of preciousness.


Hovde Properties, the developers of Ovation 309, had a vision for a large-scale chandelier. At first their renderings had a placement piece with white cylinders... they had no idea what an artist can bring to the table! Literally... I brought a blown glass white cylinder and a sample of the amazing colored drop pendant with silver leaf overlay to the initial meeting. They were thoroughly impressed with what an artist can create and extremely happy with the unique results that make their investment in their property stand apart from others as a distinguished location.

Additional Information

Hovde Properties are wonderfully supportive of the artist's process and allowed me to do what I do best. They were wonderful hosts and because of the creative meetings we had in person at the start of the project, we all worked together to make Ovation 309 the best it could be. Because of their trust in the process, the artwork was allowed to develop and eventually shine like a star!