Submitted by Keith Jellum

Client: Walsh Construction Company

Location: Moscow, ID, United States

Completion date: 1996

Artwork budget: $20,000

Project Team


Keith Jellum


Walsh Construction Company


The inspiration for this piece was sparked when I was driving across the Alvord Desert in far, S.E. Oregon and I spotted something black on this playa and thought it might be a cowboy's lost hat. However, when I got closer I realized it was moving and it turned out it was a porcupine. I drove up next to it, stopped and gave it a drink of water. It was about 5 miles from any vegetation.


I had been asked to do a piece for a married student housing project at the U. of Idaho, Moscow. The piece was to be installed next to a day-school center for the married student's children.


I was asked to do this piece by Walsh Construction Co., the contractors and builders of the housing complex. and was given total freedom as per the design. This company has a long reputation of adding some piece of art, gratis, for most of the projects they get involved in.

Additional Information

This piece is installed atop a 26', tapered steel pole. I received many letters from the teachers and kids in the day-care facility about how much they loved the piece.