Munich Re - CODAworx

Munich Re

Client: Munich Re

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

Completion date: 2016

Project Team



Interior Designer

SGH Design Partners


Munich Re


Munich Re is a global rein­sur­ance company, with a regional office at the corner of Bay and Rich­mond in down­town Toronto. The 21st floor of the Toronto office has recently under­gone a revi­tal­iza­tion intended to foster greater collab­o­ra­tion and creativ­ity.


With Munich Re head­quar­ters located in Munich, Germany, much of the inspi­ra­tion for the envi­ron­men­tal graph­ics comes from the parks and gardens, most famous the ‘English Garden,’ popu­lar to the region. The gardens speak to a certain relaxed, social atmos­phere, includ­ing a typi­cal Munich beer garden that is protected by a leafy canopy with light invari­ably peek­ing through. These ideas are expressed through a photo collage that offers a forest-like scene, as if look­ing skyward, with thin white bands that create vari­a­tion and abstrac­tion. The pattern­ing of the white bands is posi­tioned purpose­fully within the space, and light­ens the over­all density of the graph­ics. The motif and substrate (simi­lar to wall­pa­per) contribute to the more relaxed and welcom­ing atmos­phere.


Together with SGH Design Part­ners, Entro created envi­ron­men­tal graph­ics to adorn two main corri­dors of this refreshed space.