El Soporte del Cubo - CODAworx

El Soporte del Cubo

Submitted by Fabrizio Constanza


Location: Grand Rapids, United States

Completion date: 2015

Artwork budget: $50,000

Project Team


Fabrizio Constanza

Industry Resource

Ignite Performance


“The Support of the Cube” piece is a conceptual work that explores the relationship between human emotions and human progress. The piece intends to inspire people to approach the present global challenges with flexible solutions, which I passionately perceive as the next step in human development. The sculpture combines five major elements: one 4’x4’x4’ Cube manufactured entirely of ultra polished sheet metal, and four organic shaped metal legs.


The Art work was going to be exhibited at the largest Art competition in the USA, Artprize 7. Logistically and by the nature of the Sculpture was convenient to produce it in the USA. The Sculpture was built at a race car building company Ignite Performance. The build team is used to work with high standards and high tolerances, elements necessary to ensure no errors on such a minimalist piece.


As an Artist I contacted ignite Performance director Greg Jacobs. We talk about the project requirements. We maintained communication via telephone and email for month, since I was at the time in Guatemala City. I flew to Denver once they had all the parts Cut and pre-sized. Once in Denver I worked side by side with all the building team to create the Piece. Greg Jacobs was in charge of production so I was under his command. Yet I was in Charge of leading the Aesthetic so we were in a continuous stop and see until the end result fit it my expectations.